Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Proposal Assignment Reflection

For this proposal we didn’t really have to think much about the problem because the one that we choose it was very simple situation with a very simple solution. The researching part was also very simple even though there are not many articles that talk about this situation; we did find a very compelling comparison between tapes and CD’s. The survey that we developed gave us another important to support our claims and more important was the fact that we were able to stress the future importance of this situation. The drafting was more problematic because most of the points were some how redundant but at the end it turned out ok. We determine that the person to whom we have to direct this proposal wasn’t just one person, it seems that it is more like a committee of people that will take the decision so we had to appeal to different issues so that they agree to make it happen. We believe that this project is viable because it doesn’t take much from the funds of the library, it is a one time investment and it does not require new people or a lot of training to do it. At the end of the project we notice that we worked better individually because where we were together we distracted each other, so we developed good communication skill with each other to overcome that difficulty, and by the end of the project we improve in our group work. We used a lot Analyze communication contexts to come up with the best way to communicate with our audience, and we had a lot of Collaboration on communication projects between the group members. I came up with the problem which at the end helps me understand the process for the solution and why the south west collection library hasn’t implemented yet. And I also developed and conducted the survey which is something that I am used to do because I am a psychology mayor but it is always good to do a different subject.

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