Wednesday, August 8, 2007



With technology advancing at an ever-increasing rate, it is time for a change in the way the Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections archives its audio material. Many universities around the country are no longer using tapes to store their audio material. These universities have started to utilize new technologies with respect to audio file storage. Some have put their media on compact discs (CDs), while others have transferred the audio to files that are stored on the hard drives of computers.

Texas Tech is failing to keep up with growing technology. Their audio archive system uses an outdated technology to store its audio media: cassette tapes. By doing this, they are putting their students at a distinct disadvantage with respect to other universities who are utilizing technology, such as CDs and audio files. Changing the audio archive system at the Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections would greatly benefit the students and faculty at Texas Tech, and would go a long way to increase the already stellar reputation of the university.

We propose changing the current audio archives process at Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections. All the current audio archives at Texas Tech University will be transferred onto CD. We would also like to see these audio archives transferred into an MP3 format and put into a database system. This would allow for easier access and overall efficiency of a program that has potential to be incredibly beneficial for a wide number of students and faculty.

Statement of Problem

Many students and professors use the audio archives at Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections. These archives are only on cassette tapes, which are basically obsolete in today’s ever changing world of technology. Many of these tapes mess up when people are trying to use them. This makes it hard for the person using the audiotapes to get the work done that they need to. The current system at Texas Tech University is old and outdated. Something needs to be done by the university to bring this part of Texas Tech into the twenty-first century.

Primary Research

In order to determine the importance of the updating cassette tapes to CDs, we created a survey that allows us to get some insight of the already established problem and how it affects the sample. Due to the short period of time to realize this sample, we decided to get 20 subjects to take the survey. Since this is a problem that only concerns a small group of people, we decided to interview people that are currently dealing with this situation, in this case employees of the South West Collection Library. We also decided that in order to illustrate the problem this situation will present in the future, we need to also interview individuals that will be dealing with this problem in the near future. To do this we randomly selected 10 children between the ages of 8 and 14.

From the information we collected from the survey, we were able to determine that overall, 90% of the people surveyed are more used to, and prefer CDs and CD Players to cassette tapes.

In a related experiment, we tested and compared our subject’s knowledge of the usage of cassette players versus CD players. We placed a Cassette player with a cassette tape and a CD Player with a CD in front of the subjects and asked them to make them work.

10 subjects knew how to use both.
7 subjects knew how to use a CD player and were able to figure out how to use a cassette player.
2 subjects knew how to use a CD player but did not know how to put the cassette in the cassette player
1 subject did not know how to use either one.

These results emphasize the necessity of updating the material mainly for future students and faculty members that are not, and will not, be able to use this outdated technology.

Secondary Research

Currently, there are many articles that support the need for audio on cassette tapes to be transferred to CDs. According to an article by Jim Heid, nobody listens to cassette tapes anymore and very few people even own a cassette player. “Over time, a tape's magnetic particles lose their charge, muffling the audio. If you've stored tapes improperly--in a car's glove box or in a hot attic, the particles may flake off entirely, peppering your audio with momentary silences” (Heid 13). It is important for the Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections to keep in mind that the use of cassette tapes makes it difficult for students to access information because of updated technology such as CD players. Also, many of the tapes in the library have been there several years, which means the tapes have the potential of losing their magnetic particles resulting in the loss of the audio permanently.

"Having worked for a large record company before, I had no time for cassettes. Give it to me on a CD and I can look through the tracks and hear what I want to hear. It could be different from one record label to the next,” as said by Tracey Allison (Allison 12). In relation with Allison’s opinion on cassette tapes it seems as though students also do not have time for cassettes. Many students take a full course load, therefore limiting the time they have to spend on outside class work. CDs give students the option of skipping around through the tracks instead of wasting their time rewinding and forwarding. According to Tracey Allison, people have a much higher perceived value of CDs than cassettes. I encourage more people to go to CDs. There are more opportunities with it, especially with the ability to put not just audio, but data on it, and there is a lot more attractiveness to a CD” (Allison 12). Allison makes a good point in her article, audio is not the only thing students need, but cassettes limit them to that. Many times certain courses will require students to give presentations based on research, thus meaning if they get the research from the southwest collections library the data can be placed on to a CD making it easier to present.

Proposed Solution

We would like to see all the current audio archives at the Texas Tech Library Southwest Collections be put onto compact disc. We would also like to see these tapes transferred into an MP3, or other audio file format and put into a database system. This would be very beneficial to the students, and whoever needed to use the archives because they would now be able to use the CD players in their vehicles to listen to whatever they needed. They would also be able to download the files onto their computers or MP3 players from the database that was created. The University already has everything they need at their disposal to do this in a timely fashion as well as very low overhead cost. One of the main costs would be just buying the compact discs to put the current audio files on to. The engineering program here at Tech could easily transform the current tapes into MP3 format and put it in a database. Other than that there would only be the cost of the upkeep of the new audio archive system. The University would already have this cost covered because they could just use the money for the new system that they were already wasting on the old one.


Since the library is still using outdated technology, the proposal to move all audio files to CD and also to convert them in to MP3 format in a database is a very important and cost effective. Moving the files to the new hardware will make them more accessible to students and faculty.

Most students no longer have the equipment to listen to cassette tapes, so they are forced to only listen to the audio at the library. If they were moved to CD, they could be checked out and students could use them at home or in their car to make their learning experience more valuable. Also, if the files were converted to MP3 and moved to a database, students could download the files to their iPods and listen to them at any time increasing the quality of their education in foreign language and other subjects.

Through the research that we have conducted we feel that this would be a worthwhile expense for the university to take on. This simple change will increase the value of students’ education.


To find support for our proposal, we conducted Internet research and had surveys completed by Tech students and faculty who use the audio files. In our Internet research we found information about how other universities have made these changes in their library. We found evidence that it was not an unmanageable expense for the university and it proved to be worth the cost and was a very effective solution to their problem of outdated technology.

The survey that we completed showed that 90% of students thought that moving the files to CD and MP3 would be an effective project that would make the files more accessible.


While preparing this proposal our group found that the five of us have a wide range of backgrounds qualifying us to write and present it to the administrative staff. Brandon Gerber is a senior and has taken several communication study classes that will be an asset to our group when presenting the proposal. Alan De La Torriente is also a senior and has worked in the southwest collections library for several months, which in turn has given him the opportunity to see first hand the need for implementing the proposal. Clay Jones is a senior and is currently enrolled in a foreign language class that requires him to use cassette tapes provided by the southwest collections library, therefore this also gives him a first hand look at the necessity of the proposal. Tamara Sanders and Kimberly Sowell are senior Human Development and Family Study majors, and therefore are required to take a technology course, giving them the ability to address the technological issues that go along with cassette tapes.

Project Schedule

There are several steps that need to be completed in order to get the files changed and get them ready to be used by students. We will first need to present our proposal, obtain approval, purchase equipment to do transfers, build database, move files to CDs and mp3 to load to database, make new files accessible to students.

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Present Proposal

Obtain Approval

Purchase Equipment

Build Database

Complete transfers

Make accessible


In order to transfer the audio stored on cassette tapes to CDs or audio files, not much money will be required. We suggest buying CDs that can have material burned onto them, cassette converters in order to convert media on cassettes to audio files on computers, and CD holders to reduce the risk of scratching. There will also need to be increased manpower to convert the cassette tapes into an audio database at the Southwest Collections.

The cost of purchasing CDs is not as expensive as one would first think. Bundles of 100 will be purchased by the university for $17.99 at For the entire Southwest Collections archive, we estimate that 1,000 CDs be purchased. This would bring the total bundles purchased to 10, and the total cost to $179.90.

Converters that transfer information on audiocassette tapes to audio files on computers cost about six dollars a piece. The university would not need to purchase many of these, since only a few documents will be transferred to the database at once. The total price of audio converters would be $30.00.

CD holders are an inexpensive way to protect the CDs from becoming scratched and unusable. A bundle pack of 50 is $25.99 from This would make the total cost to protect the CDs $519.80. This is the most expensive item for this project, but it also is a necessary and vital component in ensuring the CDs are protected from scratches and other wear and tear for a lengthy duration.

The manpower cost would not be a significant one. Only a few people at a time would be needed to convert the files onto CDs and the database. In fact, it might be possible to utilize employees who have a lot of free time while working at the Southwest Collections. If that turns out to be the case, the cost of extra manpower will be nothing more than what it is currently.

While these costs may at first appear a bit high, the rewards reaped from this investment will be well worth any expense. The total cost of this project will be no higher than $1000.00. In fact, it will be less than $800.00. Here is a composite list of what will be needed and what it will cost.
CD Cases
Audio Converters
Total Cost


In conclusion, from our research we feel it is a necessary step forward for the Texas Tech University Southwest Collections to convert the current audio archive, which is held on cassette tapes, to both CD and database format. It should be obvious that in order for students to reach their full potential, administration needs to step up and embrace new technology. Doing so will not only enhance the education received by the students at Texas Tech, it will also enhance its reputation as one of the leaders in technology available to their student body. The process itself is inexpensive, and will lead to more students learning more information in a shorter period of time. In education, there is nothing more important.

Works Cited

Heid, Jim. “Digitize Me.” Article (Winter 2005): Vol. 21, Issue 13.

Allison, Tracey. “ Are Cassette Tapes Dead?” Article (January/February 2001): Vol. 23 Issue 1: p 12.


1) Do you own a cassette player?


2) Do you own a CD player?


3) How often do you use audio tapes under regular bases?

Every day
Once a month
Once a year

4) How often do you use Compact Disc (CD) under regular bases?
Every day
Once a month
Once a year

5) How many audio tapes do you own?


6) How many CD do you own?


7) In your opinion, which one provides better sound quality?

Audio Tapes
Equal quality
8) In your opinion, which one is easier for you to use?

Audio Tapes

9) Which one of this do you prefer to use?

Audio Tapes

Ages of the students Surveyed

35 – 1
23 – 2
22 – 5
20 – 2
14 – 2
13 – 2
11 – 3
9 – 2
8 – 1

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Proposal Assignment Reflection

For this proposal we didn’t really have to think much about the problem because the one that we choose it was very simple situation with a very simple solution. The researching part was also very simple even though there are not many articles that talk about this situation; we did find a very compelling comparison between tapes and CD’s. The survey that we developed gave us another important to support our claims and more important was the fact that we were able to stress the future importance of this situation. The drafting was more problematic because most of the points were some how redundant but at the end it turned out ok. We determine that the person to whom we have to direct this proposal wasn’t just one person, it seems that it is more like a committee of people that will take the decision so we had to appeal to different issues so that they agree to make it happen. We believe that this project is viable because it doesn’t take much from the funds of the library, it is a one time investment and it does not require new people or a lot of training to do it. At the end of the project we notice that we worked better individually because where we were together we distracted each other, so we developed good communication skill with each other to overcome that difficulty, and by the end of the project we improve in our group work. We used a lot Analyze communication contexts to come up with the best way to communicate with our audience, and we had a lot of Collaboration on communication projects between the group members. I came up with the problem which at the end helps me understand the process for the solution and why the south west collection library hasn’t implemented yet. And I also developed and conducted the survey which is something that I am used to do because I am a psychology mayor but it is always good to do a different subject.

Friday, August 3, 2007

In -Class Assignment on MLA & APA Style

De La Torriente August 3, 2007

1. Alan Is the style recommended by the association for preparing scholarly manuscripts and student research papers concerns itself with the mechanics of writing, such as punctuation, quotation, and documentation of sources. MLA style has been widely adopted by schools, academic departments, and instructors for nearly half a century.MLA guidelines are also currently used by over 125 scholarly and literary journals, newsletters, and magazines with circulations over one thousand; by hundreds of smaller periodicals; and by many university and commercial presses.

2. Ethics is the study of the principles of conduct that apply to an individual or a group (Markel 17). Ethics in technical writing is a neglected field, perhaps because of the seemingly objective content (Marilyn A. Dyrud 2).
Because the role of the modern technical writer and communicator is expanding rapidly and will continue to do so, the ethical scope of the technical writer's responsibility is comparably expanded too. The technical writer is now seen as an information developer in the formative stages of creating technical information, as a communicator in disseminating information, as an interpreter in explaining information, and as a usability expert in guiding the application of information. As a result, ethics becomes in involved in technical writing in many ways both traditional and new, obvious and non-obvious.
As a technical professor or technical communicator, you need a basic understanding of ethical principles if only because you aye likely to confront ethical dilemmas on the job. Technical communicators and technical professionals also need to understand several areas of the law related to communications (Dombrowski). Ethical and legal pitfalls can lurk within the words and graphics of many kinds of documents.

Works Cited:

· Markel, Mike. Technical Communication. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2007.
· Marilyn A. Dyrud. “What about ethics?” 1 Page. August 3, 2007
· Paul M. Dombrowski. “Ethics in Technical Writing”. August 3, 2007.

Part 2

1. The American Psychological Association has established a style that it uses in all of the books and journals that it publishes. Many others working in the social and behavioral sciences have adopted this style as their standard as well.
APA's style rules and guidelines are set out in a reference book called The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Please note that when researchers talk about APA style, they may be referring to APA's system of citations in text and reference format. If you are unsure, you should clarify with your instructor or editor how they define "APA style."
2. Ethics is the study of the principles of conduct that apply to an individual or a group (Markel 17). Ethics in technical writing is a neglected field, perhaps because of the seemingly objective content (Marilyn A. Dyrud 2).
Because the role of the modern technical writer and communicator is expanding rapidly and will continue to do so, the ethical scope of the technical writer's responsibility is comparably expanded too. The technical writer is now seen as an information developer in the formative stages of creating technical information, as a communicator in disseminating information, as an interpreter in explaining information, and as a usability expert in guiding the application of information. As a result, ethics becomes in involved in technical writing in many ways both traditional and new, obvious and non-obvious.
As a technical professor or technical communicator, you need a basic understanding of ethical principles if only because you aye likely to confront ethical dilemmas on the job. Technical communicators and technical professionals also need to understand several areas of the law related to communications (Dombrowski). Ethical and legal pitfalls can lurk within the words and graphics of many kinds of documents.

· Markel, M. (2007). Technical communication. (8th ed.). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
· Marilyn A. Dyrud. (2002). “What about ethics?” 1-1. Retrieved August 3, 2007 from Communication Department of Oregon Database.
· Paul M. Dombrowski, (2000). “Ethics in Technical Writing”. 1. Retrieved August 3, 2007. from

Friday, July 27, 2007

Class Activity # 17

To: Y. Liu
From: T. Sanders
CC: C. Jones, K. Sowell, A. De La Torriente
Subject: Problems with the instruction set and solutions to fix them
Date: July 27, 2007

The purpose of this memo is to present Dr. Liu with the problems and solutions with the instruction set for wrapping a present. SummaryIn general, the instruction set for wrapping a present is good. However, there are a few areas that could use improvement. DiscussionThe instructions given for wrapping a present were very effective and informative. The usability test went well but the user of the instructions came across few problems. An area that needed to be improved on is to specify directionality to explain which part of the paper is an end and which is a side. Also, it would be helpful to have a picture included beside step three to help the reader better understand the process. RecommendationIt would be helpful to have graphics and a conclusion. More white space should be utilized for a more professional look.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cover Letter

1781 19th street
Lubbock, TX 79415

July 16, 2007

Ms. Connie Aguilar
South West Collection Library
15th & Detroit
Lubbock, TX 41041

Dear Ms. Aguilar:

I’d like to apply for the translating position in the South West Collection Library posted on the Red Raider Student Employment website. I believe that because I was born and raised in a Spanish speaking country, I am a great candidate for the position; I believe that you find my background experience appealing for the position.

I have taken many English courses back when I was learning English, and then when I stated my mayor, I took two English composition classes and introduction to fiction. Plus, all my classes are conducted by the professors which is an indicator that I am very familiar with the language.

I was born and grew up in Chiapas, Mexico. Then I came to Lubbock Texas in 2002 to learn English, I used to translate a lot of reading materials from English to Spanish. I am also doing a minor in Spanish at Texas Tech.
Due to my foreign status in this country, it is difficult for me to find a job outside and some times even inside school, but I have kept myself busy. I am currently a member and a former president of UMI (Spanish Speaking Society) where we tutor students to improve their Spanish skills. We also do community service activities that involve the development of the Spanish language in the community.

I am enclosing my resume with further details of my education and experience. But I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you discuss these issues further more. You can reach me at (806) 751 2211 or write to my email address


Alan De La Torriente



Alan De La Torriente

3102 4th Street Apt. W-40
Lubbock, TX 79410
Ø Employment utilizing my interest in Psychology, proficiency in Spanish, and my multicultural background.
EDUCATION: Texas Tech University (3.028 GPA) Lubbock,Texas

Ø Expected Graduation August 2008 with three degrees: Psychology
Ø Minor in Spanish, Spring 2007

Ø Diversity and equity award Nominee – spring 2006
Ø Texas Tech Dean’s List – Fall 2004
Ø President, UMI Spanish Speaking Society Lubbock,Texas
August 2006-December 2006


Hector Armendariz Jobi Martinez
Upward Bound Programs Center For Campus Life
Students Affairs Division Students Affairs Division
Lubbock, Texas Lubbock, Texas
(806) 742-3616 (806) 742-2192

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Class Activity 14

Alan De La Torriente July 25, 2007

First the title: “How to enroll in US University as a foreign student.”
Then a general introduction of why is important to know how to do this
Then the step by step instruction with alternative options for the most commonly and frequent situations.
Then there will be a conclusion, stating that the student has finished the task and describing the next possible step.

2. - A computer
A fax machine
3.- There are many terms that needs to be learn by the reader, so I will provide a glossary of the most commonly ask word.

4. – There is no need for safety recommendations, or at least not so far.

5. - pictures of the websites, and the documents that will be needed and also pictures of the documents that needs to be filled out, with examples of how is done.

6.- I am not so sure yet, but I guess being something completely new for the reader there will be many confusing parts of the instructions.

7. - The task can be carried out anywhere where there is a computer with internet access.

8. - By congratulating the reader for completing the task, and probably with a troubleshooting guide to identify common problems for the readers. And explain how to solve it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Brochure Memo

To: Y. Liu
From: Lauren Taylor and Alan De La Torriente
Subject: Critique of the Layout of Brochure
Date: July 24, 2007

The purpose of this memo is to discuss the overall effectiveness and impression of the brochure. Overall, we were impressed by the document and found it easy to read and a good layout for the subject. There were good things as well as things we would suggest improvement on.

We found several things we liked and found very useful about this brochure including; layout, length, quality of paper and binding. There were, however, some things we would improve such as; including headers and footers and page numbers.

The brochure does a very effective job of providing the info in a well designed manor. The information is easy to follow and uses good white space rules. The font size and length of the document is perfect for the info presentation. It uses chunking effectively to separate topics. There is a good selection of colors that are emblematic of the school. The document uses repetition throughout the document so that it is consistent and easy to read.

There were a few things we found that the designer might have considered when producing the final draft. There were no headers or footers to indicate different sections of the information. This might be considered confusing when looking through the information. Also, there are no page numbers, so if the reader wanted to reference a certain page, it would be difficult.

If we were going to suggest some things for redesign, we would have to reconsider the use of appropriate icons and making the brochure more visually simulating. Also, providing more cross referencing to allude to related information.

We would like to discuss further about this brochure when you get a chance. These suggestions we have provided, we feel, would greatly benefit the document. Give us a call (x1234) and we can talk.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Assignment Reflection Description

Assignment Reflection Description

Summarize your process of researching the job, noting any surprises or difficulties you encountered;
Summarize and reflect on this assignment's genres and how you constructed them to persuasively appeal to the targeted communication situation;
Describe which of the course goals (see "Home" page on course website) you feel you encountered in completing this assignment.

When I first stated to research for this job I had some obstacles that made difficult my search for the perfect job.
First of all, the fact that I am a foreign student narrowed my search a great deal. As an international student here in the U.S. we are only allow to work under specific conditions; we can only work at the school that provides the I-20. We are allow to work outside the school only with special permits and stuff like that.
The second obstacle was that because of the lack of job opportunity for foreign students I lack of experience and a lot of employers are looking for those sorts of things in an employee.
A third difficulty was that most of the jobs that the university offers are difficult to get because the employers at the university prefer to give the jobs to people with financial aid, which means that the university only pay part of the salary of the student and the government pay the other part which is very convenient for the school. So the only way for us to get a job is in an area of expertise or a job that nobody else wants.

With this assignment we learn how to give a good impression in many situations which quite frankly is the most that we can do with a cover letter or with a
resume, but it has to be impressive and appealing to the employer so that they can decide to take the interview to the next step.
I thing that with this activities we learn how to focus on the context of the situation and to make the documents in a special manner that appeal to the people that are going to be reading it.

Business E-mail: Guidance for Users

Enables fast communication, providing efficient transmission and interaction as well as more efficient preparation than other methods of writing.
Reaches many people simultaneously, in multiple locations around the globe and in different time zones; permits portability of communication with access anywhere the internet is available.
Distributes documents efficiently, especially compared with express mail or courier.

Fails to assure immediate response or even that audience reads the message
Requires accommodation for technology of some audiences because different email systems don’t support the same devices
Lacks privacy because messages may be printed, distributed, forwarded, or saved by the recipient for later dissemination. In some countries, emails may be illegally monitored and even subpoenaed in a lawsuit
Omits face to face non verbal cues that help speakers convey that they mean and help listeners interpret the message.
Risk miscommunication because writers may prepare emails too quickly and/or respond without adequate reflection; or readers may only glance over the message.
Records the conversation and leaves a paper trail, which can come back to haunt the writer

Select the complete distribution list before you write.
Compose a fully functional subject line
Apply the “top of the screen” test
Write in short chunks
Design for “high skim value”

Vary your style
Compensate for lack of nonverbal cues
Use jokes and informal idioms with great caution

4. - I think that knowing the structure of the email is very important to deliver a better message to the audience.
Also the disadvantages are important because that gives an idea of when is better not to use emails

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Plastic Containers Co.
Lubbock, TX. 45453
September, 2007

Alan De La Torriente
1233 19th
Lubbock, TX 78703

Dear Mr. Alan:

I have just received your August 17 letter about the damaged beverage container you bought and regret the inconvenience that it has caused you.

From your account of the problem, I am quite sure that your request for the adjustment on the damage to the container and the table cloth is comprehended. A certain amount of defective of this sort does unavoidably; I am sorry that it was you that had to be the one affected.

However, we fell that your request for tickets and hotel for a weekend in France might me a little too much for us to comply.

We believe that accidents happen all the time and we can’t do anything about it. We have already sent you discount coupons for your next purchase. It should arrive by mail in 2 weeks. Please contact us for more information and assistance.


Richard Brown, Customer Relations

Class Activity 7

Pastic containers Co.3489 University Ave.Lubbock, TX 98502
August 17, 2007
Richard Brown, PresidentDirector of distribution Lubbock TX, 34588
Dear Mr. Brown:
This letter is regarding the defective beverage container (product number 1648 page 14 in your catalog), that I recently purchase. As a regular costumer of you brand I have never had complains with your products until now.

The bottom part of the container is to thin, and when fill completely, the container gave up. I paid $35 for a white tablecloth that was ruined because of the bad condition of the container that you produce. The cloth was purchase in France, and we don’t have the money to make another trip to buy a new one. This situation makes me want to never buy your products again.

This is a problem for us and I think that you will agree to. I would like to be compensated with a round ticket to France, hotel rooms for two nights, and a check for $35 to buy a new cloth.

Please respond and save us both a lot of time and complains.

Truly yours

Alan De La Torriente


Friday, July 13, 2007

Homework #1

I think that the article “Careless Writing Can Hurt Your Job Search” is a good reminder that good grammar is not overrated. We live in an era of technology that help us speed up things, but that also hurts out grammatical skills. We are always in a rush so we write as fast as we can and that affect the grammar. And now that cover letters can be just send by email we are bound to make more mistakes in the letters.
The second article “The Skills You Have and the Skills They Want” it is also a good reminder that every body have something that can be valuable for almost any company, that even the most estrange mayors can develop skills that can be useful for some employees.
The third article “Seven First-Time Resume Concerns” give important and useful information about the things that are not always written in a book. Many of the questions in there are things that concern the people looking for jobs that can sometimes look dumb and stupid to some people but never the less is good to know them to have a stronger letter.
The last article “Avoid These 7 Killer Cover Letter Mistakes” contains good information about what not to put in a cover letter. It seems that the cover letter can be defining for some employees so it is important to know what to avoid in the cover letters.
The format it very important, it has to be Standard Business-Letter other wise it makes it looks unprofessional

Class Activity 4

I think that letter number one and number four are the best one because in the introduction it is state where did they got the information about the job opening, and even though in the letter number four is the source of the information about the opening is not written it is still explain where the information was receive.
Both of this letters contain very detail information about the school experience, explaining why they seems to be the right fit for the position. And then they also do a great job stating why the previous experience that they acquired and their previous jobs is helpful for to the employee and the responsibilities that they expect them to cover.
The concluding paragraph contains the suggested information such as the reference to the resume. It also asks for an interview in a polite and not to demanding way. And finally, it gives the e-mail and the phone information to be contacted if require.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Class Activity 2 (July 12)

Alan De La Torriente 07/12/07
1. What is your reader's job responsibility?
Student assistant doing emails, abstracts, cataloging, duplicating, transfer and translate oral interviews in Spanish.
2. What is your reader's professional experience?
the employer graduate from psychology mayor, and is the director of the program of the South West collection library that consist on translating old publications and interviews in Spanish to English.
3. What is your reader's cultural characteristics/background?
The employer is from Hispanic heritage, Job is offered in Texas Tech University in the south west collection library
4. What is your reader's expectations about the job?
the employer will be expecting me to be able to translate document in general, from Spanish to English and vice versa and check and correct errors from previous translations.
5. What would be the reasons your reader will read your document?
I am qualified to do the job that they are offering because I cover the characteristic that they are looking for
Hard worker
Fast learner
Fluent in Spanish
Previous experience translating

I was born and rise in Mexico so I have a good understanding of the language.
I have been translating from English to Spanish for a few years.
I am very familiar with computer and computer programs

Suggestions from Randi Froehich

Be more specific about the employer characteristic
More information about the job

First assignment

Psychology is a mayor that requires writing skills because we have to write proposals for grants to do experiments, we have to explain the process of an experiment step by step and we have to do a comprehensive debriefing of the experiment afterwards. The experiments have to be explain carefully so that every participant and the people that conduct it are able to understand every part of itProposals, instructions, personal letters, formal emails.· I don’t know exactly what am I going to do in my job but I know that in my mayor I need to be able to explain thoroughly how we develop experiments.· I will write for all the participants, for the advisors, for the head of the department because those are the people that I will be in contact.· Being an international student I hope that I will be communicating with many multicultural audiences.